Friday, March 21, 2008

If Apple is substantial impact a Thump

It is funny, as conceptions can change so far. After I one day in the center Moscone San Franciscos on January. and Macworld Expo me had spent 15 speech of the covering Steve jobs had ensured, took I break and a watching out CNBC. One the CNBC commentators, Peter Najarian, designated the Jobhauptgededanken “, which disappoints on” and, around that company to tear up went. Everything the uncovered chief main leader was expected, it said. Without surprise product there’d, which is not possible a top side for stock.

I had seen, how die markets reacted first to Apple (AAPL) to the announcements. At one point war apple stock by nearly 8% during the learning section, down nearly $10 per portion, on 164.66 dropped. By the end it had recovered a little to 169,04, but still lost more than 5% for the day.

Watching out Najarian, gluckste I War here, whom doesn’t it received. And there seemed, to be many more you like it out there. More than 83 million Apple of portions changed hands in January. 15, not record, but unusually strongly. Many decided clearly to sell on news they, which was judged, in order to be disappointing. For those, which bought, before Macworld in hopes of taking the money have inside on a substantial impact, I only word: Sauger.

Material numbers Beyond iPhone Manie

Kw_stock Apple was a huge Kw_wealtherzeugung machine more over die last years. Had bought before if you it to five years, when portions were approximately 7,50 on an split adjusted up to now basis and held it, became you along one gain from more than 2,000% more over five years anstarren. But that is designated Kw_investing. By contrast betting on a Kw_shortbezeichnung gain of a Steve the jobs key note with Macworld is been always full from the danger.

Yes, on the surface could seem it a good bet. Going back to 1999, price stock Apple a average of 4.7% won on the day of a Jobhauptgededankens at January the expenditure of Macworld. But those 10 of the opportunities, only almost has to rise stock seen, the largest gain, which comes with the presenting of the last yearly iPhone. Developed in the strictest secrecy, the phone expected itself far, in order to form for its public beginning, the day however with so little, which admits over die device is, before it became, pressed uncovered iPhone Manie stock up more the than 8%, day.

But like an one-day bang, which knows create senseless expectations. Actually if you exclude die iPhone point from the view, price stock Apple a average of 3.6% on substantial Tagsince 1999 dropped.

Not the largest loser

Kw_second the largest substantial impact came 2006, as jobs a new MacBook pro line of the Laptope and the switch Intel (INTC) to the splinters for die iMac list announced. Kw_stock more than 6% won, day. The third biggest substantial Taggain came 1999, when stock the 5% with the introduction of the multicolored iMacs, which fantastic Studioanzeigen and the PowerMac G3 won.

drop substantial day yearly This, turns it out, war not the largest loser of the last decade. The fact that 2005, with which stock pushing of more than 6% came, while jobs announced iPod the schlurfen and die Mac mini OTHER large substantial day drop, came 2001 (3.9%) and 2002 (3.4%).

Which lessons should draw Apple investor of these results? Well, Macworld is clearly to form wrong the time, to bets and hope for a fast Dollar Certainly, there is exceptions, since die proven product introduction iPhone of the last yearly, but you cannot count on exceptions.

Long-term opportunities?

It is also outstanding person that sometimes substantial daily losses do spin into profits Take 2001: Jobs announced new PowerBooks, PowerMacs and die first repetition of iTunes (it none gave iPod yet). On the substantial day liess stock more the than 3% fallen. But later, it showed 10 stock exchange meetings gain from more than 23% of its pre+substantial price. As with the iPhone fluctuation of 2007, this case examines unusual. If it remove it of the view, stock Apple a average loss of more than 4% to 10. Settlement day one January Hauptgededanken following showed.

What forms for an attractive substantial day? Flashy of small articles such as consumer friendly iMacs general do not speak, Lose and iPhone—but always. New PowerBooks 2003 and combination iPod the schlurfens and the Mac, die in 2005 both mini are, propelled stock Apple to a drop of substantial day. But in both cases, within 10 days, stock the risen more than 4% of its pre+substantial end had.

Thus from the sell off to to form which, substantial day this of the yearly? More than some analysts call it a buying opportunity. Analyst at the Pfeifer Jaffray (PJC), at Morgan Stanley (ms), to the Pacific comb, Citigroup (C) and German Bank (railways) everything the see Pullback as chance too buy before another run. It doesn’t hurt that stock now down the nearly 20% were struck by its Decembers point with 202.96. Under Wall Street analysts, die Apple cover, are the average price goal of higher 214.69—a third than, where stock today sits.

Where sales Apple shining

To what is how? Much. Mac and ipod sales are expected to show a Kw_singleviertel record, if Apple reports on its results for die final three months of 2007. And during iPhone sales—now, which adds 4 million units the since late launch—may June, the little behind expectations is, is that hand second most popular smartphone in US already. A new version, die with faster future zellularem is compatible, networks—expected once late this, die year—will a long way toward goes, which wins international business.

And then there is large unknown quantity of AppleTV. Is it the following iPod? Does consumer become crowds the idea of the purchase and renting, of of iTunes video satisfies itself by the comfort of the couch?

Kw_way any, analyst do not seem worried themselves nothing have changed fundamentally with Pageant Macworld this of the yearly. As soon as that is free, all those, the sold up, whatever they thought may a feeling bad of the Hauptgededankens such as Sauger war.

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